Can my child eat breakfast in the morning?
  • Students arriving between 7:30 a.m. to 7:40 a.m. can go to the cafeteria to purchase breakfast. 

Can my child bring a lunch or snack to school?

  • Students may bring a lunch, a snack, and a water bottle to school.
  • Lunches and snacks should be sent in containers that students are able to open on their own. 
  • Students do not have access to a microwave.
  • Items may be dropped off at the cart outside the front door if forgotten.

How do I pay for lunches for my child?

  • The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) issued guidance that allows schools that operate the National School Breakfast & Lunch Program to offer meals to all Elementary & Middle School students at no cost for the 2021-2022 school year. Any items outside of the lunch meal pattern requirements, such as snacks or extra side items, will be charged to the student’s account at regular price. 
  • While no application or eligibility determination is required for your student to receive free meals this school year, income eligibility requirements will likely resume in the 2022-2023 school year. As such, Allen ISD will process household applications during School Year 2021-2022 to ensure student eligibility for free or reduced-price meals during the first 30 days of the 2022-2023 school year while 2022-2023 applications are being processed. Please visit this link to secure your Free and Reduced status Free and Reduced Application
  • The cafeteria operates on a no-cash basis during lunch. This means that all lunches & snacks must be prepaid in advance. Deposits and cash payments are not accepted during lunch.
  • Students will use their student ID numbers to access their accounts. Cafeteria staff will assist students if their ID numbers have been forgotten.
  • You may pay by check or cash at school or by credit card at
  • A box is available in the school lobby for easy deposit of cash or check.
  • Checks should be made payable to Norton Elementary and include your driver’s license #.  Please enclose check in an envelope with the following information on the front: Amount Enclosed, Child’s Name, Grade, Teacher. 

Can parents eat lunch with their children at school?

  • With the exception of state testing days, parents are welcome to eat lunch with their own children at the designated parent table in the cafeteria.
  • We are asking that parents wait until 8/23 to come eat with their children at lunch, so we have time to establish cafeteria routines & procedures.
  • Parents will need to show ID, sign in with the receptionist, and proceed to the lunchroom.
  • Only your own children will be allowed to sit with you on the stage.
  • You are welcome to bring in an outside meal for your student and/or yourself only.

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