THE PTA BOARD NEEDS VOLUNTEERS! The board is looking for volunteers to serve for the 25-26 school year. The Norton PTA is diverse consisting of full-time working parents, part-time working parents, moms, dads, and grandparents. We are looking for enthusiastic people that will bring their leadership skills to the board. The success of the Norton PTA depends entirely on having the volunteers to lead it. Please consider giving of your time to serve on the PTA board. We can find a position for you that fits your interests and availability.


You can learn more about our positions by visiting the Board Position Descriptions page. Please contact us at nominations@ptanorton.org if you're interested in serving on the PTA Board or have any questions about the listed positions. Thank you!



Officer Chairs (all year, executive board)
  VP of Membership
  VP of Programs
  VP Ways & Means
Standing Committee Chairs (all year, executive board)
  Council Delegate FILLED
Sub-Committee Chairs
  Kindergarten Welcome Social (Aug) FILLED
  Red Ribbon Week (Oct) FILLED
  Fall Festival (Oct) 
  Veterans Day (Nov) FILLED
  Staff Luncheon (Dec) FILLED
  Allen Eagle Run (Nov-Mar)
  Six Grade Shout-outs (Mar) FILLED
  Six Grade Flowers (April-May)
  EOY School Party (May) 

2024-2025 Norton PTA Board & Committee Chairs

PTA Mission:
To make every child's potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children.


Our PTA is made up of hard-working parents and teachers who pool their talents to provide practical support to our school. We would love to hear from you! Please reach out to any of us if you have questions, ideas, or are interested in volunteering.



President Devita Widmer president@ptanorton.org
Vice President Kristen Prince vice_president@ptanorton.org
Vice President, Membership Chaitra Makam membership@ptanorton.org
Vice President, Programs Open programs@ptanorton.org
Vice President, Ways & Means Marisa Dunagan ways_and_means@ptanorton.org
Parliamentarian Christina Denton parliamentarian@ptanorton.org
Secretary Catherine Parrish secretary@ptanorton.org
Treasurer Open treasurer@ptanorton.org


Principal Renee Nelson renee.nelson@allenisd.org
Faculty Representative Peyton DeLeon  peyton.deleon@allenisd.org 


Communications Kelly McCawley communications@ptanorton.org
Environmental Open environmental@ptanorton.org
Hospitality Open hospitality@ptanorton.org
Council Delegate/Legislative Action Faye Cagle councildelegate@ptanorton.org
Volunteer Services
Rashmi Venkatesh


6th Grade Celebration Kristen Prince 6th_celebration@ptanorton.org 
6th Grade Shout Outs + Program Kristen Prince 6thgrade_shoutouts@ptanorton.org 
Allen Eagle Run Marisa Dunagan alleneaglerun@ptanorton.org
Arts in Education Open arts@ptanorton.org
Book Fair (Fall & Spring) Gwen Melkild bookfair@ptanorton.org

Classroom Parties

Devita Widmer president@ptanorton.org

End of Year Party

Devita Widmer president@ptanorton.org

Fall Auction

Chaitra Makam vice_president@ptanorton.org
Fall Festival Heather Tikhonoff fallfestival@ptanorton.org
Kindergarten Social Brittany Banker kindersocial@ptanorton.org
Love Cart Sarah Shiplett lovecart@ptanorton.org
Norton Dads Club Jinu Mathew dadsclub@ptanorton.org
Room Parents Radhika Gandhi roomparents@ptanorton.org
School Supplies Lana LeGrand schoolsupplies@ptanorton.org
Spelling Bee Abira Ahmed spellingbee@ptanorton.org
Spirit Nights Marisa Dunagan ways_and_means@ptanorton.org
Spirit Wear & Items Jennifer Hsieh spiritgear@ptanorton.org
Staff Appreciation Meagan Kamra staffappreciation@ptanorton.org
Veterans Day Devita Widmer veterans_day@ptanorton.org
Website Becky Lehotzky




2024-2025 Norton PTA Sponsors







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